
@Sliferjam: rofl that sounds sublime. perhaps some spitter goo and fire hazards to prevent you from crossing the finish line as well?

@Kenny: Mmmmm, I love colons!: They have not charged a dime yet, for any DLC released for their games. And for TF2, that's been quite a many releases.

Now playing

@LeafRunner: "Dagnabit, I'm too old to go on guys. Just git the hell outta here while I light the fireworks. And Zoey, mind flashing them cans one last time?"

@Michael Dukakis: I'm sure they just need a dose of realism. What am I saying, they're just a bunch of scavangers.

@Blackout62: At least it's a bit faster and more reliable than "Blizzard Time."

@elizawhat: You don't. If it's a closed system, dust shouldn't be getting in or out.

@TVs_Frank: Sir, what I think you meant to say is it blew.

@Kitradu: idk how you're getting 90 hours of gameplay from MGS... my first game where I listened to all the codec conversations was only 6 hours and some odd minutes.

@cityslicker05: no the leads got fired and a few of them quit recently... maybe because of the leads, who knows?

@Deanb: must be the Frucci factor.

@pitseleh0: and prejudice, can't forget that.