Can you imagine how different the landscape would be today had they not fucked that little collab up?
The first day he played, when he went for an $800 square immediately both the bf and I said to each other "he's hunting for the Daily Double." I'm not even remotely surprised by his methods.
You're lucky, mine crashes pretty much every single game. The fact that DICE has been mum about a patch update when Sony has been getting them as fast as they come is Microsoft's "Quality Control" stupidity. I'm sorry, but there comes a point when the pointless bureaucracy is killing your console and it has reached…
Yes! I've done the Xbox Record that a few times, and the upload process is pretty simple. I know later next year you'll be able to upload direct to Facebook and Youtube, but right now the extra step is pretty easy. Upload to skydrive, go to skydrive on a pc, and either download, or get a shared link. I tried it…
what happened to the Xbox One update that was supposed to come out last week? i keep seeing nonstop updates for PC and PS4 with no love for the Xbox. :( they must just be focusing on updating the platforms that actually have a player base, ha.
Hah, I got a receipt for 539.00 $ and I'm getting my XBOX this friday.
Same deal. Also plan on Forza 5, Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct, Battlefield 4, and Assassin's Creed 4, but Dead Rising 3 is the one I'm looking forward to the most.
The title on the box says 'Dead Rising', but my eyes read 'Megaman X 3D'.
But sadly they don't seem to want to make another real megaman game...
I have to completely agree! Nothing better than seeing an old Capcom favorite in a current.
A gamer that loves playing games! What a novel concept!
I know I'll be playing this on launch day.
Don't care about framerate issues, don't care about resolution, don't care about the flame war between consoles... All I want are the games!!! I wonder what other surprises will be included in Dead Rising 3. The series has been surprisingly deep with easter eggs. I've…
It's the Hydro Blitz. It been discontinued and not sold anymore.
As you gear up to start shipping packages all across the country, you may be tempted to ensure your package gets…
I know that this is hilariously exaggerated (having used a Kinect to play the Star Wars game), but speaking of Kinect voice commands, I couldn't help but really enjoy this hilarious take from Mega64. I don't remember who said it, but they were right. Sometimes Mega64 videos can just be really off and not be that…