Ive used the Play 5 with the sub as well. You can assign two play 5s as your rears I believe.
Ive used the Play 5 with the sub as well. You can assign two play 5s as your rears I believe.
Ive used the Play 5 with the sub as well. You can assign two play 5s as your rears I believe.
Ive used the Play 5 with the sub as well. You can assign two play 5s as your rears I believe.
Since this is technically the last Kojima MGS and knowing Hideo, perhaps this is the greatest troll of them all.
I loved in Kingpin how you could map your keys to taunts and swearing at your enemies. What a cool game. I need to find it again and see if people at Quakecon will do a deathmatch with me.
Coming from a 25+ year gamer who really has gotten tired of the Assassins Creed formula, Black Flag was surprisingly addictive. I keep coming back to it from time to time to take bites of it. The free-roaming pirate ship gameplay is worth it alone. Reminds me a ton of the old game PIRATES I used to play back on PC,…
Most emulation works fantastic on Android. For that matter, everything kinda just works on Android with a little code-crunching. Nintendo has made a sound decision. Now about those hackers that will try to root-kit the OS...
This entire movie is free for one, and two, it’s extraordinary 80s fan service for us new 30-40 somethings on the block. It can be whatever it wants to be because it’s cool. There’s nothing else that needs to be dissected nor scrutinized.
This is my recently purchased 2013 Optima SXL with all the options. I have to take time at every gas station to talk to all the people that ask me "What is this car?" Turbo with paddle shifters are a dream, the car handles 85mph solid on road trips (almost like it wants to stay there), and everything feels and looks…
Have any of you noticed the blinking brake light on KIAs and Hyundaes? When the driver hits the brake and applies force, the brake light blinks 3 times and then stays solid.
1 hour of this guy's life beating a game that took me 30-40 hours to finish. I'm not sure if I'm jelly or disgusted.
I thought the Genesis version of Monopoly seemed to patch the holes in the Nintendo Entertainment System version. It also ran way smoother. My buddy and I used to play it for hours.
I love how Capcom adores their fans, still won't remake RE2 and RE3 They sure remade the shit out of RE4 though.
The black one will be fine. Remember, these have swappable covers. I'm sure there will be reproductions and 3rd party knock-off vanity covers as well.
Everybody knows old money-bags Jerry Jones is up to his old tomfoolery again. The NFL is about making money. What a better way to set the NFC stage for the title of "America's Football Team" on the line with a battle between the Cowboys and Packers. I'm NOT surprised about this one bit with consideration to Jerry's…
I love that the firebomb guys run at you ON FIRE trying to suicide kill you.
This happened on Saturday. I need to look at my drunken exploits while I screamed out "ECKSBAWKS REKORDDDD THAT!" There were too many amazing moments to count. When I get home, I'll replay what I recorded and see if I can get it posted. I can tell you releasing the tiger by sniping the cage door (ala Shadow of…
I've been enjoying loading a vehicle up with C4, driving it towards a camp, jumping out, and triggering the explosive as it reaches the insides of the camp. The other day ago I was able to set a tiger on fire with a moltov. The flaming tiger than started going after the outpost guards and setting them on fire. On a…
Barry, where's Barry?
I love how they parade this guy like he's some sort of big game that was taken down. No more Thai hookers for this code-monkey.
I 100% completely agree. I think in MP I've only gotten up to Level 4 and stopped right there. But Extinction I actually played a ton. It reminded me of L4D or just plain old Hoard mode from Gears of War. It's enjoyable. Just make sure you are paying attention to the challenges and you'll be fine. It sometimes…
I don't see what the gripe about the power button is about. I for one never turn my 3DS XL off. It's always with me, charging cable in tow, and one by my bedside. Being in Chicago, you never know when you will score a street-pass. I don't think I've turned off my 3DS intentionally unless it's battery has…