
I live and work in the core of Chicago's financial business district affectionately known as "Da Loop." My 3DS comes with me every single day to work (even more so now that Animal Crossing New Leaf is out). I receive at minimum 1 street pass a day. It's a nice feature. Especially when you go to a geek-themed

$500 dollars.

Kojima is screwing with us over 9000%

Plain and simple truth right here.
Developers do not produce games today with the same passion and ingenuity.

And to think, this could have been the game that would have sold consoles, made fanboys happy to shovel over money for DLC, and echo through generations as a benchmark in which movie games should be made... Oh no, we got fucking Borderlands, a half-assed Duke Nukem (which really was not their fault), and yet another


Politically-correct advertised hip, yoga-infused, Black women with micro-curls are sexy.

Regardless of what you all may think, unless you have played it, you don't know how GOOD this game really is. I've not had a 3DS game sit me down, and keep me up for hours at a time while my Xbox and PC stayed completely off for the evening. I'm actually itching to play it again! It's a great title and really

NOTE2 owner here from release day. Let's just say, if this tablet came with an 8" SuperOLED screen, I'd be all over it.

Stupid Kotaku comments won't let me post a link so I'll just leave this here for you to play with.

Ok I got a great question for all of you with a Kinect.

Bitches leave...

What I don't understand is why we should all give a fuck about this. Are we all that stupid enough that we have to continually hear this bullshit on our news radio/internet feeds. What's next? This dude was raped by a priest at an early age? Drop it find a better story.

In the winter of 2003 my father finally succumbed esophageal cancer and passed away right before Christmas. After all the mortal pageantry I literally locked myself in my room for a complete week and hucked through Windwaker. I took no calls, hardly logged on to the interwebs, no outside contact, stopped talking to

What if I don't fucking believe in God, sin, or the bible? WUT NAOW? Separation of Church and State my ass.

I too personally own the Note2. It's strange, I've never really been a phone gamer other than recent trips to the bathroom/riding the train what have you. The Note2 for some reason combines the best aspects for all things I require in travel and business. I have been gaming on this phone more than I have with any

Would you be asking yourself this same question if games on console allowed a mouse and keyboard setup? I know it's 2012 and we're STILL tied to a controller, but WHAT IF?

I'm still actively playing this game (27 hours in) and I'm absolutely smitten with how immersive everything is. Swimming into deep water makes me cringe. I'm not sure if you guys really have compared, but FarCry3 has by far the best swimming physics in a FPS I've ever seen. It's perfect! From diving down, you feel

=-CONSPIRACY-= WHAT IF??? DICE Stockholm was working with Kojima?