
You took precautions because you were already friends with your niece. If you didn't have her on your list, and you got a friend request would you still call her to verify it was her?

For more porn sites?

Oddly, this gun actually makes more sense than the one in the article.

By that argument, why would anyone want to use an iphone to take pictures at all when a $1000 Camera takes far better pictures?

You should start signing up for services with different titles/names to see who they sell it to. ex: sign up for a service as Dr. "whateverthefuckyourrealnameis" and then see what sort of spam follows afterward with that title.

You must be new hear. You want Kotaku Core, which is just video games. If you're not new then get the fuck out, this has been going on for a long time and lots of readers like it.

Yeah sure the companies can duke it out, but if they lie to the public about their products then what is the point? It may not be possible for a consumer to test out devices before they buy them, so they partially have to rely on the companies claims. If I was in the market for a new tablet and Apple was saying

Not up-to-date enough to know it's pronounced "meem" (like gene).

"who cares if it's faster or slower then Nvidia's Tegra 3"

I thought you were done? why did you come back to comment some more? The door is ——> that way.

To be fair, don't their nano's/shuffles come in a shit-ton of ridiculous colours?

Whoa, chill out a bit there dude.


Do you even know what a blog is? The author has every damn right to express their opinion. And you obviously cared enough to comment.

How does one pretend a cannibal?


"almost close to a lethal dose"

Lol no worries, happens to the best of us.

"Following EA's pull of Battlefield 3: Aftershock from the App store two weeks ago"

Toronto doesn't really like you