
My girlfriend has one for her tablet, and I occasionally steal it to use on my phone. It actually comes in handy for certain apps. I would love it if I could hide a stylus in my phone, even if I only used it like once a week.

Unless you wear skin-tight pants, you're not going to have any problems getting it into your pocket.

Have you ever seen the note in person? the stylus hides away, and you don't need it to operate the phone. I would love it if I could hide a stylus somewhere in my phone and pop it out whenever I wanted to use it.

Seriously? You think it will look stupid to hold it to your head? Everyone make it seem like the note is the size of an effing iPad, when in all reality it isn't that much bigger than a lot of the phones already on the market. If you can't fit this thing in your pocket then perhaps it's time to retire those skinny

I hardly think that ALL phones ultimately die a watery death. Just because you have a phone that can withstand water doesn't mean you won't want to upgrade to a better phone in a couple of years. I've never had a phone die on me because of water (Although I've had one close call where rice saved my ass) but I still

Because those are essentially the only games it can play. I would imagine the author was indicating that there are not enough games available to say that it can play games.

Jesus christ I could hear him saying all of that.

You know, the thieves guild quest bothered me a little but not as much as the vampire one. As soon as I found out I was going to have to eat people I just killed the woman who brought me there (can't remember her name).

basic tablet functionality can be had by PlayBook users: e-mail, calendar and contacts programs

No, I have definitely heard of them.

Maybe it won't fit into your skin-tight hipster jeans, but for us regular folk it will probably fit just fine. And would you really point and laugh at someone who was using it to make a call? If so then you are a gigantic douche.

In the eastern half of Canada, we laugh at your milk storage issues.

It's bad enough to have to wear 3d glasses, but now you want to add headphones to the mix? Sounds like a terrible idea to me.

But then you would have two different audio streams at once. Might not work out so well.

It's Canada. We don't really sue as much for being an idiot.

Technically, not being registered does mean you can't vote.

.... Canada perhaps?

sand... Sand!... SAND!!

it's "a tip of the hat to geologists' informal practice of placing a coin or other object of known scale in their photographs."

Deciding to eat an animal or not based off of its aesthetic appearance is the most ridiculous logic I have ever heard. Does an ugly animal feel less pain than a cute animal? Even the intelligence argument is really stretching it.