I don't feel like googling it right now, but I would be very surprised if there wasn't one in the whole US
I don't feel like googling it right now, but I would be very surprised if there wasn't one in the whole US
The key is to find a place you can relax, a living room of sorts
I think you meant "Mein Gott!"
You know who else made statements of probability, right?
I hear they made pretty good roads too. And drove cars on them. Just sayin'
It could be worse. You'd have to read Spanish to read those news, but there was a very high profile case in Spain about that a couple of years ago. The politician who started it (who declared to admire the Tea Party in several occasions) actually got some relevant people (doctors) fired and put others (politicians) in…
I'm trying to ignore any "studies show" that isn't followed by a [number]. It'd be good for my blood pressure if I were able to ignore things at will.
It doesn't, the plains are actually very dry, actually, but somehow they couldn't be bothered to find find a place and phenomenon that rhyme with hyperbolic paraboloid, the lazy bastards
It always works in small increments. There was never really any doubt that Newton's mechanics worked until somebody thought of measuring the velocity of Earth relative to the ether, and machines kept working after that.
But... that's not supposed to happen until next year!
Just imagine a bidimensional universe (a plane). Now, since it's curved, imagine it looks like a bowl instead of like a plane. If you add an extra dimension you could go in a straight line from one point A in the bowl to another point B in the bowl through the space in between, a straight line, which would be shorter…
Probably not. But we should be glad that at least this one time the laymen agree with the scientists on the importance of one guy and his discoveries (even if it's for all the wrong reasons)
Well, Einstein always have a place on our brains/hearts, the same way Newton still has it.
I don't know what gave you that idea, I don't think an idea must be perfect to use it (we don't have to choose between computers and GPS, do we? or between the GPS and the car or anything mechanical). This may well be the new "double slit experment" that says "the former theory works on almost all cases but it's…
The reason for vaccinating one of the sexes is actually a matter of cost, and the choice is given by the virus being more dangerous to women. Just sayin'.
If I were one of them, I'd fake-marry the other and we'd both stop hearing about it and people would leave us alone with our private lives.
its "smaller than" i "greater than" content "smaller than" /i "greater than" for italics, and the same with b for bold. The usual html tags
they don't want their kid to die, they want the other kids to die so they can show her what being a slut leads to and she stays a virgin until she gets married at age 40
what? you can use other things that aren't bold of italics?