
Oh yeah. Ohhhh yeah.

The world’s most awesomest grandpa ever.

Mad Max is, ironically, directed by a grampa.

So Tomorrowland is like listening to your grandpa gripe about “The kids today”?

I was kinda hoping for The Wasp when I read the headline.

. And we’ve got one thing that hopefully people will lose their minds over.

I want this be a show so bad.

Felicity is the bestest.

As soon as the Flash showed up, I knew Felicity would call him by his real name in front of Merlyn. Dammit, Felicity! Everything with Barry was awesome, especially the Hot Tub line.

Ray: The fate of the entire city is at stake.

Joss Whedon directing a movie about a small band of plucky outlaws on the run from an evil government in a small, outclassed, but tough ship?


Merlyn (John Barrowman) to Team Arrow:

I love the idea of the Big Bad being basically a personification of outdated values, homophobia and the patriarchy.

Say it with me: Calvin Zabo and his Winnebago of Doom.

Challenge accepted. I don't have any work projects to do so I have time to write Revenge of the Disdained.