
Here’s a tip from a dog lover for people who don’t own dogs. There were some basic mistakes by the players in this video. The dog is scared. If you are seen as a threat, the dog will not come. Don’t jog up to it and expect it not to cower when you clumsily grasp at it. Just wait for it to approach you while your hand

When things like you blow their brains out, I feel like they made one of the first good decisions in their lives.

I do. He should be held responsible for staining the shield.

That’s true, and lets not forget he doesn’t have a child out of wedlock either like that amoral scumbag Tom Brady.

Yep - ESPN just aired Peyton’s vehement denial, plus the whole NFL Countdown staff lapping up his balls and lauding his lifelong moral character, and chastising Al-Jazeera for not thinking of the kids when “fabricating” this type of controversy. NOTE - ESPN definitely made zero mention of the time he teabagged that

Sure except for that time he held down a female trainer and teabagged her.

No it will go the same way Tiger Woods PED scandal happened. Basically a denial and the story will go away since the media likes him.

This should be interesting. Sports media overall are a pretty self-righteous group, but those same people are not going to want to go after Peyton Manning.

♫ HGH you work so gooooood ♫

Brady is friends with Trump and stated today that he supports his friend in everything he does; this presumably includes Trump stating publicly and clearly that he would like to ban Muslims from the United States.

I think, if the hype train ends, it won’t be against Aldo. Not to say he’ll win, but he won’t get embarrassed, I don’t think. If the Mendes fight should have taught us anything, it’s that McGregor is way, way too big for his division and, because of that, can ignore shots that would end fights against most guys in the

Caught up on what? Your insane and poorly argued diatribe? Nah, I prefer to not be caught up in your insanity.

You look like a bitter, insecure asshole because of the things you say. Not a lot of happy people getting worked up about this airline seat. You can change your life or you can go on this way. I really don’t care.

Oh for fucks sake, you got caught and are now just dancing around saying “nu uh, I mean it can be linked to cancer, but I’d rather them have kids with special needs”. Are you fucking kidding me? Is that supposed to be better? Did someone more successful than you do something that you feel wronged you to take such an

You are boring me, you liberal twat waffle.... I have better things to do.

Yeah, while we’re at it lets retro-edit the original trilogy and exclude all the men.

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

I doubt it. I didn’t read anything about the game including a God Mode.

Sounds like sweeping racist generalizations by you, but then, isn’t it ironic that you couldn’t be racist because your avatar represents a Black Man.