
The sobbing guy at the end is how I feel as a Pats fan.

My guess is Montana but the dismissive tone here is pretty off-putting.

U mad bro?

Yup, season ticket holder here and their sellout streak has been going on for almost 2 decades.

The fans didn't run Theo and Francona out of town after 2011. The ownership did.

It was the media and the Sox brass who ran Tito out of town. People still love him here. Don't come back you loser.

That would be nice if he actually had his hands raised

Well, you know what they say, you can take Kobe out of Philly, but you can't take the worthless loudmouth arrogant huge piece of shit fucking asshole egotistical jackass terrible human being out of Kobe.

See, that's when the gloves would come off:

People to not piss off:
1) The person who cooks/serves your food
2) The person who does your taxes
3) The person who cuts your hair
4) Mike Tyson

Good for Mike, fuck that guy. Tyson has been working really on his play and was there to advertise that. The guy didn't need to throw a question like that to him.

"Even if he were obviously innocent (he's not) or even possibly somewhat less than fully culpable (he's not)"