
Regarding Invisible War - you're not really missing out on anything important if you don't get it :). That said, it's not really so bad. I didn't mind it - it's just that it's not a patch on the original, or DE:HR. But for a few bucks, there's not really a lot to lose, right?

It's the voltage that determines how much current gets to your heart. An iPhone charger is capable of supplying 1 amp. But that's irrelevant to the amount of current it is able to pass through your body - what matters there is the voltage. 5V divided by your body's electrical resistance doesn't even come close to a

voltage isn't what kills you. It's amps

Heh... Funny talking about transference and diversion when you're the one avoiding the point. So, let's forget about your piracy problem for now since you're clearly not ready to deal with it, and instead focus on some of the fascinating points you have raised, but not supported in any way:

There is no real reason to jailbreak any more.

Actually I trained as a psychotherapist

Yeah, coz you still haven't answered. Because you're wrong.

Heres one that's a solid fact

And, and your overwhelming sense of guilt has clearly prevented you from answering the actual question... What about those who want to jailbreak for the myriad of other reasons jailbreaking is useful?

Oh WOW, completely wrong there.

99% of jailbreakers do so to play pirated material

those who want to jailbreak to pirate stuff

Well it shouldn't be

It's not legal in america you can be fined

Most people do it to pirate games and apps

Yeah, mine was canceled too in the end. Damn.

What's illegal about jailbreaking a phone?

Indeed. It seems pretty clear that, if you have a jailbroken phone, what they actually want you to do is go and download, for free, a cracked version of the game that will work on jailbroken devices. Well, I'm sure that's not what they actually want, it's just what their actions say they want :).

Yep. So, basically, the game's developers are encouraging you to pirate the game.

I honestly don't mind Invisible War... I just refuse to consider it a part of the Deus Ex universe (just doing that goes a long way to making the game more palatable) :)