
Apple didn't invent multi-touch display interface technology.

Photo or it didn't happen.

This is only demeaning to crazy feminists.

Depends on your definition of chocolate.

Let's clear up some facts here... From everything I've read on this issue, it wasn't Facebook who took the photo down. It was Australia's "Advertising Standards Bureau" who forced Zoo to take the pictures down, because the pictures combined with the comments breach Australian advertising standards.

I have to say this has been a real eye opener for me.

Have you tried talking for any length of time without being able to hear yourself (which was the purpose of the headphones)? Very hard to do. Worked for a short demonstration to prove he could speak without stuttering, but I doubt it would be workable for a long speech.

Wow. Damn. It is wonderful that you are able to claw some of your way back - but horrible that it takes so much effort and that there may always be some lasting effect. You have my complete admiration.

Not stuttering when you can't hear yourself speak is useful as a very short demonstration of why you stutter, but not very useful when giving a speech.

he had already proven early on that he did not stutter while reading

Is "post-chemo" just immediately post-chemo / short term, or is the effect long term / permanent?

Wow, Sam - you must really abuse your phone!

Yup. Just like "RTFM" means "Read The Manual"...

The moon's still exerting its gravitational effect, so yes, I expect so.

Here, LMRTFAFY (Let Me Read The Article For You)...

And pedantry is, technically, still just pedantry. And as pointless as ever.

Hmmm... What's the wooshing sound?

Sigh. It was a joke, ok?

"Eventually I'll have everything important that was, is, and will be, on paper."