I hope everything works out with your DACA form, and life in general. My two brothers are also a big part of my life and would find myself lost without them. Thanks for the comment
I hope everything works out with your DACA form, and life in general. My two brothers are also a big part of my life and would find myself lost without them. Thanks for the comment
I figured this was real until like 30 seconds in, when the dancing started. I normally don't laugh out loud at my computer, but I couldn't help myself. Thank you sir
First thing I thought of
Most memorable palm slice for me.
It's been a running joke for years with my brother and I, to randomly sing this song in our best hair metal scream. Crossffiiiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
And he must work for Disney. I thought the same thing, so creepy
Did the camera view from behind Conan and his friend give anybody else the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" vibe?
Don't understand the hate. I don't know how many times I've wanted to lay down and play PC games because my back hurts from sitting too long. I have a gtx 680, will probably buy this just for the streaming capabilities. Please price reasonably, Nvidia
Is that Triss Merigold? I don't see any flowing red locks.
This is great...
What a fantastic show. The characters, the character elements and plots, all the little sub-plots to be found, it's fantastic. Not sure it would correlate into a great game. It would have to be story driven and not so much gameplay driven. I'm looking at you TWD
Yes, makes for some interesting writing.
He reminds me of the barbarian, with the monk's facial hair features.
You are defeated. Instead of shooting where I was, you should have shot where I was going to be.
Too bad it's not a Redneck Rampage re-release
This looks stunning. I simply cannot wait
It annoys me that he threw the gas can away after filling the car. How do you propose getting more gas into the car after that measly half tank is gone.
Have you tried Infamous: Festival of Blood?