Cesar I. Perez

The costume looks bad and the name isn’t good either. Honestly, the character hasn’t won me over.

I actually hope they change it like they did for the previous protagonists. The second names where a huge improvement.

Lol, just saw the trailer. Hey, it could have been a lot worse. Just enjoy the game for what it is: Fan Fiction.

The games are their own thing. The only real Canon are the books written by Tolkien. Everything else is glorified fan fiction.

But most of their titles now ship twice a month. I had to drop a few comics to stay on budget.

Ha! Cool. I’m glad it works. I don’t play sports games, but I had to read this after that headline.

Is he popular enough...? Guess we shall see.

My favorite RPG is The Witcher 3.

I played through the game 4 times. Enjoying all the different ways you could play and change, not only the ending, but who survives. It was my absolute favorite game the year it came out.

Great article. I was ready to ignore it, because of the title, but I’m glad I actually read it. You make some very interesting points. I think I’ll go play through the whole series again now.

I love Spawn. Sadly, I don’t have high expectations for this project. What Spawn needs is a visionary director and a big budget. Not an amateur director making a small scale movie, even if that writer/director is Todd McFarlane Spawn’s creator himself. Saying all that I really hope they prove me wrong.

I bought half the AoS starter set for $50 and I’ve since added another $100 worth in new models and I have a 1500 point army. One of my buddies has 3 armies he’s bought used, he got a 2000 point elf army for trading a few Magic the gathering cards. You can also play smaller games with a buddy if each of buys just one

I said you could use your old armies, if you don’t have one of the old armies you’d obviously have to buy one of the new ones. The new sculpts are much more dynamic and detailed than the old stuff anyway.

The WarHammer Age of Sigmar rules are free and they sell Start Collecting boxed sets at a discount.

To be fair, Age of Sigmar is an awesome game. Just consider it a new game that happens to allow you to use your old Warhammer Fantasy armies.


Yeah, Judeo-Christian God is all powerful, all knowing and just allows his little fallen angel Lucifer run around as a rebel. The Devil is way inferior to God.

If the animation and graphics we’re up to modern day standards I’d give it a shot... But as it is, I doubt it’ll garner much sales or praise.

Yes, please! My Switch needs a second game and I haven’t played Bayonetta 2.

I guess, I’m finally going to discover Death Note.