Cesar I. Perez

I don’t use the dock at all. The switch has basically become my new PSVita. I only used it to play Zelda Breath of the Wild. Waiting on another must own title.

Detail is the money was spent. On any kickstarter project you could be investing on a guy working from his grandmother’s basement without a penny to his name.

Oh damn, I remember a few teachers I wanted to get intimate with when I was in Highschool.

No, old things should be sold cheaper. We need to stick to that practice. It’s consumer friendly and whatever amount of $ it generates is pure revenue for the company.

Here in Puerto Rico it won’t make much of an impact. People who are into these things mostly know English and prefer to have the books in English. There are always exceptions ofcourse.

I really loved the OVA’s specially “Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman”! Really love that redesign of the character and some of the best action scenes ever animated. Always wanted the action figures...

Unlocking her as a playable character would be awesome! Even better if they game her unique abilities... Never thought I’d want to play as her this much. I would pay for that DLC.

No way! Long hair for the win 100% of the time.

Yeah, it’s seams super disrespectful.

I’m still hopeful they will find a way.

Awesome! I’ve always wanted to try it out but never owned a computer with a strong enough graphics card. Just need Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft on consoles now.

Oh, thank you X-Box! Hope Sony bans it too.

So many cool board games yet so little time and disposable income...

Descent 2nd Ed is an Amazing game!

I seriously don’t care for hard more or trails. That’s worthless to me. Depending on how well reviewed the new story chapter is I’ll consider buying it. If it’s not that good, I’ll just watch it on YouTube or Twitch if I even bother.

Pay it, just go without or wait to buy the game for cheap...

Does only one of the players have to have passed the boss or can you only play it in co-op once both players have beaten the boss?

I’m looking forward to playing this game obsessively until Persons 5 comes out.

Stopped reading because of the spoiler warning, but was relieved after seeing how long this article is. I haven’t bought the game yet but it’s on my list of games to get.

I’d love it if they used the map to make a proper Elder scrolls single player game and released that.