Cesar I. Perez

Does only one of the players have to have passed the boss or can you only play it in co-op once both players have beaten the boss?

Nope, Batman has the absolute best Rogues Gallery. Spider-Man is certainly up there but Batman’s villians are much more varied and iconic.

I’m looking forward to playing this game obsessively until Persons 5 comes out.

Stopped reading because of the spoiler warning, but was relieved after seeing how long this article is. I haven’t bought the game yet but it’s on my list of games to get.

I’d love it if they used the map to make a proper Elder scrolls single player game and released that.

Thanks for the warning. Avoiding this game like the plague now.

I am now inspired to buy a fur coat.

I totally agree. Besides there are plenty of other books that they could make movies and TV shows out of. There’s no need to keep remaking things add-infinitum.

Now playing

I followed a link from a YouTube moder. He hosted all the mods himself.

I’ve been playing it for the first time, and with some graphics mods it looks decent. Nowhere near our current games but good enough. I’ve been enjoying the experience and stories but had to mod the combat system too.

I wouldn’t mind. Specially if they get him just in time to come out in the Justice League movie...

Batman Arkham City had Calender Man locked in a cell and he would say different things every holiday and on your birthday, he would then escape. Not sure if the cycle would repeat...

I played the Witcher 3 nonestop for over 2 months when it came out, and would marathon the expansions as soon as they were released. I still have plans of replaying it just to make different desicions and see how the game changes. It’s my favorite game now!

Yeah, it sucks. I’m currently buying 6 DC comics at $18 adding $1 to each of those equals having to drop a book to stay at $20 a month on DC alone. And I’m still spending 2 dollars more which has to come out of somewhere or I’ll have to drop 2 DC titles.

Yeah, I don’t want or need a digital copy of a physical book I’m already buying. It’s good news to those who sell the digital copy code, but I just end up loosing an extra dollar for something I don’t want and won’t use, or most probably just buying less comics in order to stay on budget.

This sucks... I don’t want digital copies! Much less with a price hike on the few books I’m actually buying from DC. $1 more per issue means I have to drop a title or 2 to stay on budget.

But there are super heroes that “look like her” Storm from the X-Men is the first that comes to my mind. But that doesn’t even matter, I’m of Puertorican descent and I was Batman and Spawn for Halloween growing up. I identified with the characters and their adventures no matter what.

Well, comparing to the God that gets prayed to in Christian/Jewish/Muslim church now in days; Thor is quite underpowered and shares his devotees with a Pantheon of other Gods, some of which are above his level.

Cool post.

Both those suits are so ugly... I’ve seen better cosplay!