Cesar I. Perez

Yeah, the mostly changed all their personalities... slightly disappointed.

Yeah, I was expecting more out of the Cartoon but got a kids show. I’m sure I would have loved this as a 10 - 16 year old, but at 36 it was a fun diversion but not something I’d buy the boxed set for.


Yes!!! Give me a Warcraft sequel! This movie already got most of the introductions out of the way. Show me some more!

No. Only PC gets free upgrades if they bought all the DLC or a version of the game that included all the DLC. They get it free cause it’s some sort of patch or download. On consoles you have to buy the game all over again, period.

Cool! That tells us Kratos is our main guy for at least the bulk of the game. I’m really looking forward to this new style for the series and seeing what other surprises they have.

Then it bombs.

Old Kratos got me Super pumped!!!

Yeah, I hate their version of the costume too. I just hope they offer a traditional Spider-man skin.

I don’t agree. Battleborne has a mode that is moba-esque but the other modes aren’t like a moba at all.

HA!!! You believe that...? Their might not be exclusives the first year it’s out, but there most definitely will be exclusives before all is said and done.

Looks good! Here’s hoping it lives up to this trailer. Has been a long time since I played a good vampire game, and to this day I haven’t played one in which you actually feal like a proper vampire.

On PS3 if any one save file gets above certain amount, the game starts bugging out and freezing. The solution was to not move everything you saw, not to interact with anything and to not try to do everything with one character.

That new PlayStation 4 model they confirmed by saying they weren’t talking about it at E3 might solve those issues.

Huh... good to know.

Yeah, I always hit the save size limit, where the game starts bugging out, long before I finish any of the campaigns. I’ve still thoroughly enjoyed what I’ve played though.

You getting it free if you have all the DLC on PC.

Free is only for PC. Console only gets the buy it again option.

Again, I’m going by what the guy said in the after show.

It’s been confirmed in Game Informer that you can play through the game as either Emily or Corvo. You pick which one you want to use at the beginning and stick to that character unless you start another play through as the other.