Cesar I. Perez

I had never heard of him but I like like him already. Going to go subscribe to his channel.

And people complain about how men treat women in character design...

I agree that American Alien is a great Superman Series but stop dragging down Man of Steel & BvS. You might have not liked the movie but many of us, kotaku readers, enjoyed it. I enjoy most versions of Superman without a problem.

Hey, as long as the movie is good it doesn’t matter who plays the characters. Specially when they are cyborgs or something.

Game looks great!!!

Most probably cause they charge huge fees to developers for updating and patching games.

Yes! Watch the new season without a doubt.

I know right, like when Jewel did that really sexy music video!

They can have it both ways! Don’t little kids sing pop songs by ladies who are barely covered. I mean have you seen Katie Perry’s music videos.

It’s just like JLo, Beyonce or Rihana, etc... They dress extremely sexy and glue their clothes on. They are hot and show it off.

I think there better games on the system but this is a decent list.

Makes me wish you could mod games on consoles. I bought Skyrim on PS3, didn’t even finish it, but I enjoyed the game for months. Feal like playing it some more now, but wish I could mod it.

Doesn’t look all that to me... Godzilla looks bad and hardly moves, his arms look atrophied and stuck in one painful position, his tail is way to long and no path of destruction behind Godzilla. Story might be better than what we got with the american movies but this just looks like more of the same old B-movie

I loved New 52 Wonder Woman when Azarello was writing the comic. But I have high hopes on Rucka’s return, just hope he doesn’t undo everything Azarello did.

The only reason I’m interested in this game is story mode... I don’t care for PvP, so Overwatch and the rest don’t interest me.

Short answer: Yes!

The backgrounds were looping animations taking Resident Evils flat background one step further in awesomeness. These games looked great when they first came out.

The marketing campaign worked on me! I bought those games and played through them loving every minute of it. Might have skipped them if the adds hadn’t caught my attention.

It’s not the Wally West I grew up with as Flash. He should be a legacy character like Nightwing. The sidekick that grew up inherited the mantle for a while and decided to go his own way. Not retconed out of existence and replaced.

I’ve never read a Black panther comic. I got interested in him now that I’m reading the new Ultimates series drawn by Kenneth Rocafort. Apparently Christopher Priest’s run is the comic series to start with if I want to get to know the character. I might pick this new series up too.