Cesar I. Perez

It’s not the Wally West I grew up with as Flash. He should be a legacy character like Nightwing. The sidekick that grew up inherited the mantle for a while and decided to go his own way. Not retconed out of existence and replaced.

But her scenes with Clark in the bath and at the end were great. Also showing her doing some investigating was cool. And hey maybe they had a longer conversation then what ended up in the movie, we don’t need to hear it explained because we saw the movie.

I’m OK with that. They have a plan let’s see what comes of it.

I’ve never read a Black panther comic. I got interested in him now that I’m reading the new Ultimates series drawn by Kenneth Rocafort. Apparently Christopher Priest’s run is the comic series to start with if I want to get to know the character. I might pick this new series up too.

Looks like a B-movie with an above average budget...

That’s how my brain always interpreted Anime. They always seamed off and illogical. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the cartoons and animation I just couldn’t draw it cause it made no sense to me.

I loved Watchmen, I liked Age of Ultron and I like Batman V Superman.

I love the Watchmen movie adaptation. I doubt it could be done better as a movie. I doubt a TV series would look as beautiful and comic accurate. Snyder also did a great job bringing 300 to life.

I enjoyed the movie. Fact is I out right like it. It’s not perfect, but I got to see: Batman fight Superman! Wonder Woman finally on the big screen! Superman fight Doomsday! The Batmobile! Batman rescue someone! Superman get nuked! Clark and Lois!!! And I am pumped for Justice League and Wonder Woman! Crazy for more

Go see “Superman V Batman” Make your own informed decision.

They are reverting to the old numbering for Detective Comics. Not changing Batman because he never really got replaced.

And because of a vocal minority they change the game...

I liked it.

Perry White and Jenny know Clark is Superman. They saw Superman embrace Lois at the end of Man of Steel. Lex discovered it because Superman protects Lois any time she was in danger between films.

I liked the movie seeing it again tomorrow.

I love your reasoning but I’m just going to be buying 3 0r 4 titles so I’d try to avoid the ones that come out twice a month. My picks are Trinity, All Star Batman and Hal Jordan GL’s, maybe Super sons or might try Titans, Deathstroke... Will get Wonder Woman in trades and any other story that seams good.

Dude. Movie was fun. They fit a lot into one movie and leave it in an awesome if surprising spot for Justice League.

You’re being to harsh on Snyder. I happen to have enjoyed most of his films. Man of Steel was great. It had it’s problems, mostly the killing, but it was a great modern retelling of Superman’s origin. BvS is a natural extension and addresses some of people’s concerns. I just came back from seeing it and recommend it

Ben Affleck’s Batman is spot on, perfect.

I liked the film. Is it perfect, no. But I enjoyed it.