Cesar I. Perez

How would they know he is black? His costume hides his identity completely... If it’s by the way he might sound, as a high school teacher, I’ve heard lots of kids that sound black but are white (the opposite and every combination too).

Well, your right.

They cast who they like for the role. Why does everything have to boil down to race. Does he look like the character, is he a good actor, can he speak the proper accent? Yes, than it’s all good.

Lol, I just started playing this game yesterday but on the Wii using the old disk my little sister had lying around. Played a little further than you did and having never played it before I’m enjoying it immensely. Really different to the last game I played: Dark Souls.

I’m pretty sure someone got fired.

“Erased” is awesome!!!

I haven’t re-bought a single game that I already own.

I have a PS2 in my bedroom with all my old games, some I still haven’t finished, but mostly use it as a DVD player. My sister has a Wii in her room but it’s mostly ignored. My PS3 is in the living room were I still have some games to get through but mostly use it for Netflix and Hulu. Finally My PS4 is in the family

Me too... Going to look for it when I go to the comics shop next week.

Most people don’t bother reading everything about a game before purchasing it. I’m fairly active online and I didn’t know anything about them announcing they were releasing an unfinished game.

Exactly! I’m glad I’m not the only person that feels this way!

I’ll still wait for the version that includes everything on the disk. Or maybe for the 3rd version were all the kinks are ironed out and the roaster of playable characters is larger.

I’m pretty sure most of these are equivalents to our myths and legends. If those stories where covered as real they would be significantly toned down to something resembling the world we already know. Kind of like all the Gods and monsters that we humans used to believe in.

Good points!

Now I have to see this film again!

And McFarlane Toys is evolving it yet again with their “Game of Thrones” and “Walking Dead” sets.

The problem with that would be that without the forest the river would eventually dry out.

I totally agree!!!

Oh, ditch cable! It’s way to expensive. Hulu is totally worth the $10!

by what I’m reading here he travels back to the same day every time he travels back in time... so he can’t really earn much.