Cesar I. Perez

What is that song playing in the trailer!??

That actually looks better!

Maybe it's just cause you have been spoiled by recent writing... After reading the work of more recent authors; whom write in a faster paced and modern way, it's a little harder to read some of the older books. Sometimes even the same author has changed so much that their old stuff feels, well old.

The cross shape is a very easy symbol to come up with, it could be a "t" or a bird...

Yeah, my 16 year old sister loves the new costume design but dropped the comic after 2 issues. She didn't like the writing or the group of girls in the comic, she said they are like the group of girls she avoids at school.

Yeah, that's the one I'm looking at. The Kindle Voyage looks amazing but is too expensive, specially since I would buy 2 (have to get one for my little sis).

I know your pain... thats why I just stuff it all in my parents house.

I give most of my books to my little sister after I read them but still have a big collection in my parents house since I don't own a house and move often. I also have a huge selection of art books and comics... don't want to get rid of them so they are safe at my parents house for now.

I'm looking into getting a e-book reader (most probably a Kindle) because of all the classics that are available for free. I'm already using my phone but a dedicated reader would allow me to save battery and read in sunlight.

I give them to my little sister who still lives at my parents house...

First time I ever hear of him. I might have too look him up once I finish catching up on Brandon Sanderson and Jim Butcher... Guy Gavriel Kay, Joe Abercrombie, Scott Lynch... Temeraire, Malazan, etc...

I'm 17 years older than my little sister; she is 17 now. When she was growing up I tried to present her with all the things I liked growing up, therefore I revisited them all. We watched many movies, cartoons and TV shows most of her friends have never heard of. She is an avid reader when only a few of her friends

I do my first draft in notebooks with a pen. I'll carry index cards to write down things I need to look up later; or to add things between things I already wrote. All that because I can't concentrate with Kotaku and IO9 posting fun stuff all day everyday. I haven't even submitted anything to a publisher or anything

research... just make it up as you go and fix it later, once your done.


If you would have played any GTA game since 3 you would not have the same opinion.

That is actually the reason I pre ordered The Witcher 3! I get to role play a cool character with an interesting job and an interesting past in an awesome story. And I absolutely loved the first 2 games in the series, games that gave me free DLC. I even bought a couple of the novels and read them so I understand even

I would care if I would have liked the game enough to want to play more of it. It still sucks, specially for those that did like it enough to give it game of the year and all that.

I had an illustrated book about dinosaurs that presented stories about how they lived and survived. It was my favorite book and I held on to it for years, when I lost it it had it's cover held on by tape. Sadly, I didn't have much reading material growing up. But I know I read some of my mothers University books...

Lol right? never would have occurred to me...