Cesar I. Perez

Perfect! She looks much better than I thought she would!

She can fly! Punch through walls and fighting in heels is illogical?

I want to read Elric but it's to expensive on Amazon I can't find it in any book store.

Well they should all look slightly different so it will feel, to each player, that they are playing as Arno and just picked up 3 friends.

Their is only 4 player co-op multiplayer were everyone plays as their version of Arno in certain story missions.

Little detail, the multiplayer is 4 player co-op only and every player plays as their version of Arno, the main Character. It wouldn't make sense to include a female Arno cause he is a dude in the main story.

Thanks! Have some reading to do.

And that world should live on in your imagination!

It always was a franchise.

...wait, what? Where can I find this info?


I can understand that but it still bugs me.

Nice video but in history class they told us Marie Antoinette (the Queen of France) never actually said: "Let them eat cake."


I'm working on a new character and story for a comic book, after my Kickstarter for a Vampire story failed. Going slow with all the bad luck I've had this year.

Just get it, I'm sure you'll like it!

They should have released it as a traditional RTS game I'm pretty sure it would have sold more and wouldn't disappear when the servers shut down.

I loved the cartoony look and really wanted to try it out but I didn't like the fact that it was online only. I would have bought it if it was a typical game with an added online component. You know so I could still play it after they shut down the servers.

You must not watch wrestling, half the men wrestling have long hair!

New addition: X-Men Sunspot is from Brazil.