
Yeah, that part still almost brings me to tears. I truly love how the book had multiple people. Increases the odds of someone actually having the ability to describe beauty that no one else has seen (yet).

I actually assumed they were antennae to boost reception over distances.

I was also under the impression that it wasn't Finch but Ingram who installed the back door in the first place. Ingram wanted to save people, Finch was afraid it would get them killed (I'm pretty sure Ingram wasn't killed for this but just because he was in the know). Finch was worried that it would be a possible

Frequency is also another good example with Looper for rule 9. I especially liked the scar appearing on the face of Ron Silver when Van Damn kicked the past version in the face.

I'm sure that was the intent of the show to have people thinking The Machine gave all that info. But Root is the cutest freakishly scary person, I swear! And it would be easy to forget how much of a badass she was before she started getting communication from her "god". In some ways I wonder if they did that to

Is there anything more than our assumption that the machine provided information on the quack? Since Root is so capable on her own I'm sure it wouldn't take more than a few tidbits of personal information from his own phone to unlock a lot more on him. We've already seen that she's just that scary on her own. It