
This one?

The reporting is about new tech, and issues that arise from it. Your fanboydom is robbing you of clear thinking.

As someone who is supplying metal stamping dies to Rivian, I can attest to the fact that they will not stop making small tweaks to the parts. Finished tools have to go back into local die shops for engineering changes. Necessary steps I guess, but a real issue. That being said, the plant in Normal, Ill has made

I had PMB do my 914 brakes. They look like jewelry when you get them back.

No wagon, no sale.
Already looking at a V60 to replace the wife’s Alltrack.
I would have 100% bought the Arteon shooting brake if it were available.

Getting rid of the F-35?? At this point, that would be a colossal mistake. Those bad decisions were made a couple decades ago, and now the platform is mature and effective. Did it cost WAY TOO MUCH to get here, yes. However, it is here and the price is finally coming down.

Her mother’s maiden name is “Koch”. Not saying she is related to the famous Koch’s, but interesting.
Also, her mom’s 1st name is Karen. So there is that.
There cannot be a more Republican name than Karen Koch.

This is a pre-production prototype, not the 1st of actual delivery vehicles.
Tool and Die companies are just starting to build the production tooling for the van now.

I could see Ford dealers offering the range extender on a rental basis.
Need to make a long trip? Go get a range extender for the week.
Going camping and want some extra electricity? Rent a range extender.
Storm knocks your power out? Head to the Ford dealersip.

To be fair, if one of my male workers wore yellow shoes to the office, I would probably comment on it.
I probably would not say a thing if a female did it. Unless they had pictures of big bird on them or something. Of course, if they had big bird on them, I think you are fishing for comments.

Flashback to 3 year old potty training trauma

I got snipped after we had our autistic twins. Why roll the dice?

Agreed about the genetics. We have twin boys on the spectrum. We also have an older, very successful daughter. Once we got the diagnosis for the twins, I got snipped right away. There is no need to keep pro-creating if there is something wrong with combination of genes. We could have gotten lucky again, but just as

I’m with you except for the Biggest Loser trainer having a heart attack. That ism’t hypocrisy, that’s tragic irony.

As long as you look a lot like them, I’m sure the cops are very helpful.
If you are a different color, or even happen to be passing through with an out of state plate...they are a lot less so.

If its boobies he’s after, he should definitely go to Song of Solomon. Couple of the Proverbs are pretty racy as well.

I have a 914...but I would love to add a 928

You can’t have a collection of less desirable Porsche’s without a 914.

The bungee cord will be named Sailor Arrested Velocity Equipment.
A fitting name for the Acute Sanitation Seat.

No Porsche?