Die Fledermaus

Which Religions Are Best Prepared to Accept Life in Space?

I am currently sitting on my truck roof less than 3/4 mile from the launch pad. When the Space Shuttle launched, I was in this exact same spot and could feel the Earth under me rumble, like it was the beginning of one giant earthquake. The weather is perfect, windy, slightly cloudy, but beautiful. I guess the delay is

I'll wait for the second gen model.

I think this should just be a new vacuum head, not a whole thing. I already have a Dyson, so I don't need a new one, just a fuzzy attachment that fits the one I have.

SCA has seniority in that sense, but longsword fencing is its own thing:

Wiley was 13 months old when we chopped his balls off, because I do believe in the development thing. Waiting even that long is now considered outdated thinking though, LA for instance mandates that all dogs must be neutered at 4 months of age and no connection between ball wearing and development has been

1st rule of digital cameras: Megapixels don't mean squat.

Learn it, love it.

I can take better pics on a 4MP Nikon D40 than you can on a 21MP camera phone. I might not be able to pixel-peep quite as well, but I guarantee you, in any but the absolute ideal conditions, my pics will beat yours.

The problem is that he can only add a claw each fight till all eight are exposed, and it was a miracle he lasted all eight fights.

Zaphod's attention however was elsewhere. His attention was riveted on the ship standing next to Hotblack Desiato's limo. His mouths hung open.

Last month Apple released a preview of their new operating system, OS X Yosemite. Following the visual refresh in

"Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Kodan armada". :)

Mostly notable for the particular company which thought this terrible horrible awful no good blight on the world was actually a good idea.

They're going to end up building this