
Telling a cop to not touch you when you’ve broken the law despite repeated warnings is.


I am not surprised, because I used to sue insurance companies for a living, often on those technicalities.

It’s illegal in some states. For example, the state of Washington specifically addresses this:

This falls under “publicity release”, which is not protected by fair use.

I...thought he was breaking up something else. Carry on my (not) wayward son.

Taco Bell has a 2 chalupa/2 soft taco combo? Damn, son. brb tacos.

This is beautiful. We all need to strive for this level of pun.

I’m satisfied that I’m no longer forced to creep everyone’s social interactions.

It’s still very shallow, nonetheless. I want to see good characters who are LGBT. Not poorly written ones that exist just to be LGBT. Why couldn’t Scott write her to be a deeper character? LGBT people should be treated like everyone else, because they are like everyone else.

Perhaps Beamdog would’ve been better off creating a more fully realized trans character, rather than one who had to sum up her whole story in a few sentences.

You fucked up at “hamburgers”. Cheese or GTFO.

Your Corolla is their F12.

Here they are in Type-0.

Still see butt. Prepare for more pitchforks and subsequent apologies.

Goddammit that movie is called All You Need is...oh...oh...carry on.

This has nothing on Logarius’ Wheel. Log-Dawg’s got the unwieldy weapons game on lock.

No, no. It’s the power of love.

He went fullrant. You never go fullrant.