
Either way, it’s what was done, and the rider himself explained what happened in the YouTube comments.

He gave an intro, but they didn’t mention that the other team couldn’t make it. I can understand though, since it’d be pretty dick to so readily announce him as plan B.

Pork roll egg and cheese with ketchup. That shit. So good. Need. Now.

My friend and I jacked a couple of Pikes from the shore and rode them all the way to the Loot Cave for funsies. I’ve never seen so many randoms dance in unison.

According to the bike racer, the original rider/bike couldn’t make it back from Isle of Man in time for the shoot, so he ended up on there because he’s the only one in the office with a bike racing license.

From the tube:

I mean, it’s a world of giants who feed on humans. What do you expect?

Should have stayed away from Europa.

You’re right. Thought it was Thrall instead of Durotan.

And a random sheep explosion would be good too.

I get what he’s saying though. This isn’t the storyline covered in WoW, which is more popular than the RTSs. That said, I’m surprised this starts with 3.

This isn’t a JRPG.

I can see them include something like that. Hopefully “yes, me lord” and “work work” as well. Blizzard loves easter eggs, after all.

Ice bucket challenge is so passé. Maybe I’ll try that crossfit thing.

I advocate for the Shutupists, and I endorse this message.

He’s a peacock. You gotta let him fly.

It’s realist vs. idealist, and we’ve seen how violent that debate can get. I have a feeling they will both be victims of circumstance, with misunderstanding escalating the disagreement until they come to blows.

Why not just keep your last names and the children will have hyphenated names, decided by whichever order looks/sounds better?

The mistake was releasing it into the wild, but there’s really no other alternative. This was actually a very cool experiment.