
The scans were released, hence the comparisons that led to this article. Not only that, replicas are available for purchase.

I still have a hard time understanding it. Detailed replicas already exist for under $2000. Standing outside the museum holding up a replica would have conveyed their message better than a faked scan.

By scanning the bust, and releasing it to the public, they’re essentially...yeah, I have no idea.

Wouldn’t it have been better if it was strapped to her head and she couldn’t escape whatever abomination was chasing her? I’d lol pretty hard.

The producers should have insisted put the straps on and chased her with some hellish demon.

There’s always been a nerdy vs nerdier dichotomy in these hobbies. It’s just evolved into “core” vs “casuals”.

I’m pretty sure she was trying to troll you.


I guess it depends on your definition of man-children. I see any figure collecting as a man-child hobby (and I collect gunpla myself). So yes, their target demos are man-children and kids.

Or they could have become Blizzard.

GW and Lego’s target demographic are man-children and kids. They were just complacent.

More like 40.

I did this too, until the night some asshole(s) decided to steal the side mirrors off of my ‘99 E320. Didn’t take them from the two BMWs sitting next to me, but decided they needed mine to satisfy their sick urges. Next time I see a Civic rocking E320 side mirrors, I’m going to fuck their mother.

What’s going on with her accessories? Do I just have bad taste?

Because they both look way better than the current one. I really just want the two options as the front and back, and completely do away with the Pacific Doom cover.

That’s the look you want when you’re trying to hang out with a family of gold oil drums.

That title gif is too good. Sisyphus, roll your ass back over here.

Not sure you can brood more than this guy.

I thought Saito’s and Paz’s designs were obviously Asian. Everyone else? Mostly European.

Although I’m staunchingly anti white-washing, it could actually work for GitS considering the Major has a full body prosthesis that can look however she wants, and which she occasionally changes. Batou (Bateau) also looks very European, as does Togusa, despite their names. Saito and Paz are the most Asian looking