
Only the ones who have already exited or sold portions of their shares. For current shareholders (ie: the woman up top), their net worth is based on equity in Theranos x current valuation. If the valuation goes, so does their net worth. You only realize that dollar amount if you exchange it for cash. Now, they may

“Boris Bike”

I’m pretty sure that was meant to be read like “wins the internet”. You seem to be taking this humorous article very seriously.


They’re not generating profit. Even their revenue is negligible. So it’s more like:

The assholes I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with in Gainesville are usually turtleneck-wearing liberal arts professors. They’re insufferable.

15 to Life 3 confirmed?

lol and...chill?

Those probably comply with Austrian law and have current permits.

This happens a lot in PI cases. Had a client some years back that came to us ~four months post-accident with “debilitating” back pain, and a chiro we hadn’t worked with backing that assertion. We end up having to file suit because of the short SOL of that particular state. At mediation, Defense pops out some pictures

Coming from the Plaintiffs’ side, we’ll usually drop clients the second we find out they lied to us, especially things like this. It’s like, come on, bro, we’re supposed to be on the same page.

researchers led by Xiaoping Ren at Harbin Medical University

Absolutely. That’s why you move the weakest first. Think of the NFL as a collective, not individual brands. Of course, there is a tipping point at which revenue increase from a move will be more than the increase in shared revenue from moving a weak link, but in most situations it’s better for them to move a weak team.

I’m calling it. Finn is Windu’s son and Poe is the nephew of the neighbor of that one guy we see at that fucked up bar. Poe and Rey were also in the same daycare. Rey once put a flaming bag of shit on Snoke’s doorstep, leading to the current galactic crisis.

What Westerners consider nerd culture permeates Japanese marketing. This is basically a “western” ad aimed squarely at the Japanese market to take advantage of both Japan’s love for western fashion and the standard “we get you”.

The numbers don’t really support the teams you chose. The Jags, Titans, and Bucs all generate more revenue than the Falcons, Vikings, Chiefs, Bengals, Lions, Raiders, Cardinals, Chargers, Rams and Bills. The Jags also ranks 13th in operating income, while the Bucs are 20th, and the Titans 22nd. Meanwhile, the Rams are

You can actually skip the oven step if you experiment with how quickly or slowly the heat will dissipate in your skillet. I usually heat the skillet for around five minutes, pop the steak in for a minute or so, lower heat, another two or three minutes, flip onto unused side of skillet, cook for five or six, and it’s

I’m not a fan of the texture of sous vide steaks, especially cuts like strip and skirt. I do use it to cook lean cuts of pork and certain vegetables all the time though.

I prefer an open broiler like a Salamander. A few minutes each side, and you get a nice crust and the right temp.

Forgot the rear, which is even more uncanny.