
Chomato tips?

You forgot the most important thing. We have dodge roll on consoles. It completely changes the kiting dynamics of the game.

Console controls are amazing. Dodge roll and easy kiting makes it a must. I wish they would bring controller support to the PC.

We get seasonal gear one update cycle later on consoles. Basically, we get them when they’re no longer seasonal on PC (when they get them as nonseasonal as well). We get less gear, but it’s worth it because the controls were obviously designed for controllers to begin with. It’s so smooth.

Same here. I’m always like, “yo, Nemesis on me. Come on. Cooomeee onnnnn.”

There are seasonal gear that are not released until each season ends. You keep them at the end of each season, and can use it on non-seasonal characters. Consoles don’t get them until the next update cycle, so it’s always one update behind seasonal players. Gear is definitely content.

You just have to be entertaining in your approach. It’s the interaction that gets people, and usually not the finished project. Look at it this way, Fahey blogs about some really mundane subjects, but his presentation is what people find amusing. You can also look at Five Guys review guy. He’s just reviewing fast food

That’s just the traditional oni look.

50% is better than I’m seeing here, so you’re good.

It’s hard to tell women you meet you’re not particularly interested in friendship, but it’s important they know. If it doesn’t work and you do want to be friends, then you can worry about that later.

You guys should do a family costume. It would be awesome.

Probably because it would have been more expensive to hire one with both.

Why not revel in the failures? People will still find that entertaining.

You’re not talking to them the right way. Sounds like you’re consistently getting friend-zoned.

Oh god that’s huge.

Thank you for being the first person in this thread to correctly spell agoraphobia, especially considering it was spelled correctly in the article.

Hardy is fucking insane. He’s going to kill someone sooner or later, probably for some minor thing like wearing white after labor day.

Same here. I can only imagine if video games were like the ReBoot world, but I’ve saved every one of their worlds.