Dick Pilz

I have hanging rods (1 inch pipe) adjacent to my dryer. At year end, I re-hang everything with the hooks going the other way. One year later, I triage the ones that are hung different.

If I fold my shirts for trips, instead of the final thirds, I roll them.

And THAT plane was based on a B-50, which was an up-engined B-29. We are going back 75 years on the basic flying surface design.

Try one a week and it will take you over a year. And that isn’t counting the McPubs. Public transit is your friend.

Using a pedestrian path, such as a crosswalk or sidewalk, bicycles are supposed to move at the same speed as someone walking, in Oregon. If thiss means you cannot maintain balance at that speed, then you are supposed to get off the bike and walk it. This then classifies you as a pedestrian, and cars MUST stop at

You really don’t want to look online for an image, especially if eating, but I have a rare condition called Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid, a subset of Mucosal Cicatricial Pemphigoid. It is an auto-immune malady where the body’s T-cells attack the juncture between the epidermal and dermal layers of the cornea, eyelid,

Except, OTHER gases emitted by the volcano, such as sulfur dioxide, contribute to global cooling. The net effect is volvanos around the Earth tend to cool the atmosphere. Despite that, things keep warming.

A paste of meat tenderizer works for blood, too. Some post-surgery bed stuff was rescued by this.

F-4s could be spotted 50 miles away by the smoke trails from their J79 engines. You would see the smoke long before you could see the aircraft. This gave some folks a 15 minute heads up.

Just get him to stand next to Abbott. Perry IS the smarter one.

Helicopters do not fly 500 mph

Either the shutter speed is very fast or Bob Hoover is flying that Lancaster.

The bolts were probably plated for corrosion resistance.

A glider is powered by gravity (potential energy) and updrafts. When you run out of both, you are on the ground. How you get there is up to you.

3 kW output. Now "all you need to do" is:

They are gathered at the boot top to limit insects from finding a new home


What range do you see with an all-electric system?

That picture is 2 years AFTER we left, due to a political decision.

There is a similar problem with low-background radiation steel from sources prior to nuclear bomb testing, such as scuttled warships.

If anyone has read the article about Musk's compensation, they would see it is mostly in stock options vesting in 10 years. This means