
I solved your problem.

Stupid. America is NOT the rest of the world and it never will be. America will not have for a very long time - if ever - a substantive quick-charge network like you can develop in areas that are smaller geographically.

Ghiblis are hot pieces of shit. Enjoy your moderately-attractive but entirely-unservicable Italian shitsled for the price of a respectable CPO luxury sedan.

A) At least it doesn’t completely look like a 3rd world poverty-grade shitbox anymore

This is the price you pay for $69 flights from Fuckville, New York to Whoevenliveshereburg, Indiana - men in wife-beaters who think deodorant is a suggestion and women in torn leggings who maybe showed two days ago. The mewling children, parents who don’t control them, and the phony. Fucking. Comfort. Animals.

As as a Pontiac owner myself, I would much rather own something bearing the Pontiac moniker then some Chinese acronym or something equally meaningless.

As a dealer for 10+ years, I can say that its true that the average woman buyers knows nothing about cars. The average male buyer also knows nothing about cars. The average dealer and salesman also knows nothing about cars. No one knows anything and while you think I’m being facetious, its true.

Quite honestly regardless of the messenger, two things are correct:

You’re incorrect. Pure and simple.

Why the FUCK are none of these people calling out China?

I think giving certain habitual abusers who live by taxing and abusing a well-intentioned system access to low-cost or free legal means of forestalling a warranted eviction is unfair both to the landlord and legitimate prospective tenants in need.

Unruly is one thing; failure to pay, destroying property/living like trash, and using the legal system to forestall warranted evictions is another.

Serious question - why didn’t she ‘call upon’ the People’s Republic of China to curb their rampant environmental abuses along with those other nations she pointed out?

...a national legal fund for renters who are facing eviction...

Sorry, disagree. John McCain can go fuck his dead self. War-monger piece of shit.

Now her daughter has learning disabilities. Ohkay. White women hide behind all sorts of bullshit when called out.

This is really your primary take away from this incident?

CTS4, CT64, MKS All-Wheel Drive, 300 AWD.

I like how a lot of you people attribute the 500s impending demise to the ‘Dumb American’ trope when in reality, this was a tepid one-trick pony that was foisted upon Chrysler dealers with a big, fat Marchionne-signature lie about their early commitment being rewarded with Alfa/Maser lines. Plus, the car is built like

LaCrosse looks better. Fight me.