
You ain’t shit until you rock a Prizm hatch.

OOhokay. Chrome is trash but let me plastidip everything black.

A lot more people utilize these trucks to 95% of their capabilities than you think

I have to give sixty-one thousand dollars to the Chinese for an intermediate-sized wagon with less functional utility than a ‘95 Cutlass Cruiser...and about the same fuel economy?

You couldn't fold the second-row seats down? What retard engineered that?

RX-8s are already hybrids - they burn gas AND oil.

You still have a dried wad of Musk jizz on your bottom lip.

Exactly. Such an emphasis is put on star ratings that it forces the industry to focus on that versus the holistic safety of the overall vehicle. You chase the ratings.

Dear Meghan,

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I worked so hard for me
And I had to start again
With just two forms of ID

Every single every single person who rents one of these needs to fall on the pavement flat on their back and become paralyzed.

Most of the illegal immigration is now coming from caravans originating in Guatemala and Honduras and marching through Mexico. They’re organized and funded by international organizations and they’ve been getting help – transportation and food – from Mexican organizations as they travel through Mexico.

John McCain, I.e. the recently-dead one, is still a piece of garbage

I can’t until BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, GM, Toyota, or some Chinese group buys up the worthwhile remnants of this dumpster fire company.

Bayliner. Outlander. This guy has zero concept of what a quality product is.

You you guys still do realize these are third world pieces of s*** though, right?

Oh, get over I’ll get over this neoliberal b*******. It's called mutual respect. Sometimes I just want a ride. Sometimes I don't want to hear about how far behind you are on your student loan payments or about some broad who threw up in your car the other night and tried to give you a hand job or how you used to be a

Hi, Natasha.

If you went to Coachella as an influencer, you’ve already segregated yourself from meaningful society.

Good. Fuck this idiot empty-resume’d woman.