
This auto vs manual thing is very car-dependent.

Sounds like a New York City problem created solely by greedy New Yorkers.

I feel your socio-economic background carries much more weight in your vehicle choice than just your gender, though even that outdated infographic proves the point that are softer, less-aggressive cars - MINIs are fatally cute, Mercuries were soft, feminized Fords, and Mazdas of that era were also soft and more

Really? Affluent women sure seem to gravitate towards F-Sport, M, and AMG models for zero apparent reason except for peacocking their husband’s disposable income.

Its not a ‘big problem’ at all anymore. Its something to try to dust up into something to complain about on a slow weekend.

Can you new Jalopnik typists who think you’re so insightful for constantly bringing up the Dodge LaFemme as some exercise of sexist pandering patriarchy that failed please stop and do some basic research and speak of it in context.

No, they mean Sentra, Forte, and Elantra. These are are junk cars no one with rational sense or an actual job buys.

You can give zero fucks if anyone likes it or not because its not your money. Why would you loan your money to someone for 48-60 months and get NO return on it, even if it were paid in full early?

Why is everyone so shocked and horrified at 16% APR loans? I’ve contracted loans up to 30.03% (state cap).

1) Guy fell asleep behind the wheel of a Sonata

100% in concurrance

Sue for what? Because this was the first major natural disaster in modern time to wreak havoc on territory outside CONUS right after two major storms hit the mainland...? Give me a break.

Kinda rethinking that whole independence thing now, huh?

The premise of this blog post’s title is false - Harley was not forced to move jobs overseas by anything President Trump did.

I completely support free tertiary education in useful, productive subjects.

I’m a single mother"

98% of Craigslist is for people who are retarded, too poor to afford what you’re offering, or have minimal understanding of English. Period. Change my mind.

Wealthy, famous people dress like folks who shop at Save-A-Lot.

Why can’t they pellet gun this dipshit?

Its almost like Mexico IS a shithole*.