
I understand, but you can also tend bar, waitress, or cut grass in Homestead, Key Largo, Pembroke Pines, Ft. Myers, Charlotte Harbor, Sarasota, Clearwater, or tons of other places and still get the Florida weather without the high cost of living and logistical inconvenience of living on one of the outer keys.

Good! Better what’s left even be used for donor cars then be left to rot like they were being. Good on the city for getting the ball rolling.

These are hard-working, honest people that live a hard-scrabble life and are used to these circumstances and deal with it without complaint because, hey, the shit is pretty much the same in Mexico, but at least you’re in the United States. They appreciate that fact and all that comes with it a LOT more than many

Circumstances differ, but at some point you stop living on that river if you can. Virtually lifelong Floridian here, and if you have the means, you don’t live in a chronic flood zone. I feel for those that don’t have those means. I feel far greater sympathy for those folks (and these in the article) than many in Key

You think Hillary would’ve cared either? You’re high.

The people getting their $500 checks from FEMA are driving 15 year-old Range Rovers six months in arrears and have made a living gaming the system...par for the course.

Half of them are here already...

I’m glad that the cover art for what I’m listening to is larger and more prominent than the posted speed limit or the GODDAMN RANGE REMAINING.

For anyone saying CRACK PIPE, a Polaris Ranger 570 Crew starts at $10,700.

The ‘suspiciously cheap’ thing has some credence, but speaking from how I run my business, sometimes I DO get a deal that good and other times I just need to dump a unit on floorplan and I’d much rather see some sort of daylight by retailing it to an individual than running it through the block.

You can wax poetic all you want about this guy, but he’s doing nobody any favors by letting these cars rot away. Foolish. Let others have the chance to salvage what remains.

Gross child and even more gross ‘mother.’

A) No scrapyard would take this

Its one thing to play a joke on a child one-on-one, its completely another to document it for fame and profit on a YouTube channel

I’d rather see that than be part of the US market mix.

He’s not a 39 year-old 350lb acne-riddled virgin living in his grandmother’s spare bedroom; he’s a congressman. To act like he didn’t have the mental or social faculties to know better is ignorant.

But I receive some benefit out of those transactions. What new information was gleaned from this book? unless you are a Hillary Superfan and had her sign your copy for your own personal enjoyment...why?

You people must enjoy pouring more and more of your hard-earned money into this millionaire’s coffers, don’t you?

They be good. Best wishes to them!

Unless she lives in a trailer, she’ll be fine. Latest track takes her east and downgrades her to a 1 or 2 by the time she’s parallel with us. Best wishes.