
You sound incredibly stupid.

The meta isn’t something people “make”, it’s something people find. It exists because of mathematical differences between characters as well as other factors such as movement, popularity of maps and scalability.

I have no idea why you have so many stars but you clearly have no idea what

...What the fuck are you even talking about?

Gen 1 had Jinx.

Gen 1 had MACHAMP.

Fuck that guy fan-shaming the Reddit for something Blizzard 100% fueled themselves.

Even after this entire debacle, they’ll CONTINUE to feed into it because they know how profitable it is, and that douchebag’s saying it’s because people get excited? How about fuck you, pal.

I’m not surprised it was Taimou.

Guy’s really helpful to rising players. I’ve had the chance to chat with him and when I asked him about his pre-training routines, he promptly logged into the game and showed me in detail. (I believe there’s a vídeo of it on Youtube also).

But he can be extremely arrogant and immature

You’re not really selling me on this character.

If her entire motivation as a character was to fawn over another character then she sounds like a complete doormat waste of screentime.

I mean, Brock was boring as sin. Characters like this are just bad and not even kids like them. But over Ash of all people?

Glad she’s

“Seren’as whole motivation to go out into the world was to meet up with her long lost childhood friend Ash, so she could eventually confess her feelings.”

“Serena’s whole motivation to go out into the world was to meet up with her long lost childhood friend Ash, so she could eventually confess her feelings.”

That’s what everyone always says when indie devs say things like this. Yet sales are very, very rarely that high, or surprising.

There has never been a single instance of credible evidence to support the notion that Denuvo causes games to have any kind of performance dip.

Can’t shake the feeling that the argument comes off as pandering.

Whenever someone’s going on about how there’s fanservice for both sexes, I’ll kindly refer them to this article and ask them to provide me with at the very least two examples of stuff like this, Xtreme Beach Volley and that weird dating DS game, and ask them where my 3D rendered, full-fledged creep simulator is.



Stop calling it “cheesecake”. Accept, once and for all, that this is done clearly and observable for the sake of selling sex. This was never created as cheesy fun. Ever. That’s an unbelievably ignorant perspective of it.

I don’t care either way. I’m okay with both of your examples existing. I just won’t watch them.

Wooooow, one whole example!?

You’re so right, dude. I have tons of options!

If only young males were not constantly barraged with hyperstylized depictions of women and instead had a clearer idea of what a female human being is, how to approach and talk to them and how they function...

Many of us would start being more critical if we didn’t label every single opinion on the Internet that we either don’t understand or refuse to agree with as “outrage”.

Yep, that’s a fairly braindead perspective on it, that’s for sure.

You mean kind of like you did just then, when you decided to post this? I guess you’re not Bill, either.

People should discuss things and share opinions. Your stupid and simplistic way of disincentivizing debate is quite expected but you should understand people would see more eye-to-eye if discussion was promoted.

The fundamental differences are as follows:

1) Your wife has no interesting in having sex with these characters. She “laughs” at it because she was socially conditioned to, just like you were socially conditioned to laugh at naked men. There’s nothing intrinsically funny about something all of us have.

2) You’re not

That’s a pretty ignorant way to categorize an incredibly layered opinion.

But then again, I can’t blame you for doing it.

> “ but try not being so ethnocentric in your views.”

Every single japanese woman I work with thinks stuff like this isn’t funny or endearing in the least. The best response I’ve ever gotten is “I don’t really care for things like that.”

While I do agree that there’s always a degree of ethnocentrism in one’s