
Clarkson himself once said on Top Gear that every child should pay great attention in school, because the person to figure out how to mass-produce hydrogen and store it in a car without it diffusing slowly out of the tank and do all of that on the cheap will become a very rich man.
He himself said that he believes that

I don’t think so. Facebook may want to push their own hardware, but they know that there’s money on other platforms. And they already have a widely known game on all VR platforms, they are going to milk it.

That is not real raytracing though. Even their description says so.
It is basically limited to a few critical effects where using a raytracer gives you the largest benefit over classical rendering, yet they are not using a full raytracing approach - the underlying engine is still render-based with all its pros (speed)

Weren’t there a few Terminator games set in this future war Zone? Future Shock by Bethesda iirc, and I think there were some more.

Panzer Dragoon Orta was not the real last game in the franchise.
Crimson Dragon (first teased on Xbox 360, then released on Xbox One) was more than a spiritual successor.

Also, Orta can run on the Xbox One with vastly enhanced graphics, it is not only backwards compatible, but has upgraded visuals.

Also, Panzer Dragoon

eh, current AMD GPUs are as well capable of hardware accelerated Raytracing, just by using their normal compute units instead of hyper-specialized ones. They just have to use a different method.
The current Beta of World of Tanks can user AMD GPUs for raytraced shadows.

And btw, I do not know of any animator using

Contrary to popular belief, speed doesn’t kill. Speed never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.” - Jeremy Clarkson

As long as they are not produced by FARO and self-replicating, we should be relatively safe.

Thanks a lot for the summary!

Actually, it isn’t. There are quite a few games coming out for VR, and a lot made with VR in mind first, and that’s a good thing. If you haven’t tried gaming in VR with titles that were developed for that medium, then you should give it a try. It doesn’t replace other gaming methods, but it produces results that you

I am pretty happy with my Rift. Works like a charm, perfect for roomscale even with two sensors (got better with a third), Touch controllers are really awesome (far more comfy than Vive controllers), and I play every game without hiccups on an i7 3770 with a Geforce 970. Didn’t have a single game yet that had

I fully agree to the latter paragraph, having worked in a game company I know that they have a duty to eek out maximum profit - also a duty to their employees (employee wages were actually the highest single cost point by a long margin).
So basically, in creating a game that will appeal to the broadest possible

no, not everybody :) But what does this have to do with gaming?
Or books, movies, whatever kind of entertainment?
I personally do not feel that how I see myself has to be represented in every (or even any for that matter) kind of media. To want this would actually feel like narcissism to me.
Like, I want to be respected

Can somebody please explain to me why movies and games HAVE to be inclusive towards every kind of cultural background and or origin these days? (not meant as an insult, genuine interest!)
I get it that using a white male guy to portray a typical person of african descent is wrong (unless explained with colonialism in

I saw it at the theater too, and I kinda liked it.
It was a more grown-up, different tale of the Super Mario Bros, one that I could imagine as one of the games for the upcoming Playstation era (remember, we were hooked on FMV and stuff like that back then).
Sadly, they never made a game in the tone set by the movie,

If you gotta go, go with a smile :)
- Joker

Now playing

It is a tad slow and underpowered, isn’t it?

Van Buren” Property... Wait, I smell a Bethesda conspiracy to remove the last traces of the Fallout game that was never allowed to see the light of day...

VW/Audi had the same problem with their radios in the 90s. The “Gamma” in the A4 b5, manufactured by Blaupunkt, had an EEprom that was supposed to be updated with the current volume the moment you turned the unit off.
Instead, it was written to at any time you turned the volume knob.
So if you frequently changed the

Simple: The US have always been great at creating enemies by abandoning allies.
Look up Afghanistan. The US delivered weapons to the Mudjaheddin, to drive off the soviet invaders. After the soviets decided “nah, that’s enough, we’re leaving” - all support from the US ended.
Afghanistan was a ruined country at that