
Sounds like the Jurassic World trailer is recycling the repeating recording glitch that the West World trailer used back in the ‘70s.

My Studebakers!

Yes, Miss Narr!

The infallible magic of the free marketplace! :3

Trigonometry as foreshortening or projection except done with numbers and math instead of drafting.

Does Heinz Edelmann know about this?

I write about, InterStellar OverDrive, my comic book getting cancelled 20 years ago before it ever could go to press because Heroes World.

I think that today is the 20th anniversary of the Rip Off Press revival of InterStellar OverDrive being cancelled before before it went to the printers because of the Heroesworld crash.

Flexia Bast or Merv Gustafson. :3

This makes more sense of the ‘80s-’90s and dealing with exclusion and other bad politics with fandom and prodom.

How much has the octopus been used as a political cartoon cliche? It was like for Standard Oil and other monopolies in the early 20th Century, Imperial Japan in Victory Through Air Power, and several times for the Koch Brothers in the past few years.

You know, I’ve been tongue-in-check using the similar phrase “Meanwhile in the 21st Century” when I post flying car and flying wing, electronic brain and reel computer, lunar colony and atomic future, and hardcore Googie stuff on Facebook.

But is it Atompunk enough?

I’m so Atompunk that I own a chrome kitchen set, a kidney coffee table, a ‘51 Commander Starlight and a ‘57 Silver Hawk.

“I’m so Atompunk that I eat Plutonium and fart mushsoom clouds!”

I also saw Colin the Computer from “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared!” a few seconds in. I wonder how many in-jokes and DYNs are in this?

Impolitely voting for myself: , Sci Fi Guy! (as a longer verity of miniseries), The Inventer & Igor (as TAS), InterStellar OverDrive and Captain Saucer reboots (as adult swim shows)....

The looks like a cowcatcher on that mustang! =:o

Hey! I love my ‘95 Riviera! (only 83K miles.) :3

I think that they should bring back the squarish steering wheels like in some of those John Glenn era Mopars.... :3

How about sitar meets banjo meets electric guitar, with a zaftig polydactyl transplanted from out Tau Ceti way who just wants to be the all American Rock & Roll teenager? :3

Probably not the greatest, but I like the Cygnus Loop Nebula.

I used a corner of this photo when I pshopped the kit-cards together for the model rocket company that I use to have.