

Damn! I should get back to Sci Fi Guy! Similar zeitgeist, with the '70s geek retraux and odd numbering, but maybe a few years too early.

But do Vikings love Nazis?

Well the beard does make Merlin look distinguished instead of merely kind of goofy.

OTOH, I'm surprised that the Sultan isn't more chubby cheeked and double chinned.....

Just oddly enough, I am a gearhead from the Loess Hills. And we do grow a lot of corn there. Also my webcomic is set in a fictional town in the 712 era code.

Yay! Star Wars Disco! Like when I was a teenie bopper back in the '70s who didn't know better...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="

Maybe I should have taken Captain Saucer in this direction back in the '80s.

I'm going to try to revive my webcomic in the near future.

My artistic salute to cosplay with these two half-sisters. The older one is even a frumpy cute, zaftig wonder in a flattering bra in best cosplay girl fashion. She even knows how to rock polydactyly....

Probably an overlooked and underrated peer to the WB stuff of the same time. A whole lot less self congratulatory writing too.

The stupid local affiliate preempted it for "Playground Champions".

Now if I could ever get one of my comics ever published....


Flexia Bast.

OMG! Like Steam Punk in real life!

I like the Ward Kimballish smiling sun.

This reminds me of a couple of body horror dreams that I had back in kindergarten.

Once I woke up to find that I was a cyclops kid.

I had that pop up once or twice as a hypnagogic dream. It is awesome.

I believe he means the first Macs with color CRTs in the late '80s. There were miles of distance in user friendliness in those days. The PC side had Messy-DOS and Windows 2. Mac had the GUI.

Collectively, I'd say 9/11. What an emotional punch in the gut.