
Jason, FWIW, I think you and the family will enjoy Chapel Hill. It is a nice area.

I hate myself for it, but I actually like the effect. I hate the cars it is usually used on, but it is pretty cool looking. *hides in shame*

As a 240sx owner: no, please do not drive the price up more. Pick another car. please.

I'd expect nothing less than this to come out of Charlotte.

Harley didn't release specs on the bike, except to say it will offer a "a no-excuses riding experience" and a visceral sound distinctive from other internal combustion and electric bikes on the market.

The Slender Man sounds like one of The Strangers from Dark City.

this really is dumb. I had an 00 Crown Vic that did the same thing...had amber lights in the tails but didn't do anything...

Welp, add this to the list of things I cannot un-see.

Or you know... they could focus on the story and not have to shoehorn in a bunch of gimmicks which the majority of fans probably wouldn't even want. Pure Star Wars is not 3D.

I'm gonna tip my hat to the team behind the Camry. Because you know there's amazing design and engineering talent, probably unlimited resources (a budget that could fund dozens of boutique supercar makers, all rolled into 1 car), and the success of one of the world's largest carmakers riding on your shouders. And you

"Am I forgetting another purpose for opioid prescriptions besides surgical recovery and broken bones?"

Definitely has to be the Fiero!

I fucking love that car.

2fer here.. the 2001SEL Mercedes and Winabago in SpaceBalls..

12 year old me friggin' loved the show, but I suspect if I went back and watched it now that it would be terrible.


Now playing

Evil Ka has seen this cat before...7 more lives to go.

It sure is. That's the local cab company's phone number. Saw a few of them around town.

We have these in Tennessee, and nobody raises a fuss about them. This might sound cliché, but being proud of your Southern heritage does not mean that your are racist or condone slavery. Also, not all Southerners are racist, and not all racists live in the South.