
This wouldn't have happened if he got a Mustang

Cool story bro

lol wut

This is a bad idea, think about when Spiegal arrives

These days Korean cars are pretty freaking amazing, I'm not gonna doubt them


I love you Paul Jones, no homo

he doesn't seem to be that great of a driver, also quit calling yourself Roberto G. as you come off as an idiot troll although it's pretty clear you aren't Homer Bowtie. Although I didn't like him that much I dislike you a lot more because you're just craving attention when anyone who looks through your comments for

you're such a great story teller RyGuy, also the reason I check COTD

I like JDM cars but if I ever got one it would get a LHD conversion as I want to go fast in a C110 on the mountains but I don't want to die because I can't see anything

Most rally cars in America cost about $7500, of course most rally racers are far less famous than Caswell yet are a lot more passionate and have more skill, I sort of agree with you but grass roots racing seems to not exist in the minds of most people on this website so when you hear about it you go crazy when you can

I wish he crashed a $500 dollar craigslist bmw, not this

yeah I absolutely love those racing Beetles too

I didn't know anyone was entitled to a Porsche, and rather than making one guy happy with a parts car they made 140 people happy as hell.

I love these stories, thanks RyGuy

RB26 by a huge margin, of course that's because it's my favorite engine

there are very very few modern cars I like, but this is one of them. Bravo Renault Bravo

I really really hope Alfa Romeo doesn't come to America because then I have to buy one and that means I wouldn't be getting a classic car daily driver but a mess of an Italian car. I'm just not ready for this Alfa, not ready to get one car and keep it forever but if you make me I just might do it anyways.

I hope you typed this from home Ray