
Pebble beach classy, and a car for your elegance. Congrats

I don't really have an opinion on this but I'm really enjoying reading everyone elses. Thanks Newitz PS you should do stuff like this more

@RalphieDC: Well this is the third Noble ever produced and yeah the other two were kit cars. the first two cars are still availabe as kits but are sold by other companies like Rossion in the United States [] . As for the m600 well I'm sure some really rich guy in Monterrey already has one. There's

Now that I live in SF I would go but I'm more socially awkward than most I09 readers which means I'm super Inept at the social game

it's pretty slow so maybe you should get the gas version

@$kaycog: I didn't know you travel to Dubai, have you ever seen one of those Gemballas

Is it just me or does this 3-0 with ken block sound like bs. I pay attention to 2wd rally racing in america alot more than most people and not only have these guys never won a race at maxattack but supposedly they beat richie rich 3 times. It's for a good cause I know and they'll probably get 5 bucks from me but I

I really doubt he would choose this car but a modern day, younger mcqueen would probably rock one of these every now and then

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: I'm also in the bay area but I think your missing out on a really great place nearby. The Santa Cruz mountains are amazing and there are plenty of low traffic roads. keep in mind they are probably only 30 minutes away from you but can supply you with hours and hours of fun. one of these days