
@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: You never know, that man loved him some dirt roads, so much he walked from Jerusalem to Rome. let us all bow our hands and remember the last time that rally was run, oh I think it was about 2000 years ago...

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Jesus Gimmi, you have an unlimited amount of the most Hoontastic pictures out there. If you were a Bro you'd be the real Vinny himself...

@trev: Is this said island what is called "Russia" then yeah

Ey them some queers tryin to check out my gel and Loko, you can't have office boy, how bout you get a tan or sumthin..... Really I'm gonna drag this "bro" thing out so much, thanks Hardigree!

yo man those are jus some bros checking out A-Pows Mitsu, those ca's rally race and do shit like that so wut you expect? muff cabbage...

A minivan, cuz my mom told me I got bad credit, it holds so much FourLoko though so it's no homo

@GreenN_Gold: Hey HEYY he aint drinking, shake give him this beer.

@BroINeedTheMoney: grenade proof bro! that must be bullet proof, cooler for the 4LOKOS whoooooo!!!

@m.m.shaefer: I agree with you, when I was younger I made the mistake of taking my dads car to rally race where I shouldn't have, nevertheless I crashed and am glad no one got hurt

@rwald: No you can't, it made me want to go watch the show but it's not on instant watch, boo-hoo

@reefer: you know those events are pretty down to earth and have no energy drinks, jus sayin...

@OMGItsWeasel: yep, I can't wait till he drives off the cliff for the last time, or the first time because he can't make it to those stages (usually after the first one or two) because he crashes. Ken Block needs to be replaced with a real rally racer from America with a soul who cares more about racing than making

@cmdrfire: that and the Duesenbergs make me want a time machine, although in time you can build a P-51 Replica, and if you're really darey make that a full scale one too.

@Qurtyslyn: Baja Someday: that was my second choice but I'd rather go to Rally america than NASAs rally events

Nuff said