
Uhm...Hey George...

Same...Giant flying green dildo with a hand on the end of it, and an ass...Right.

She knows what she's doing, and it's not because she honestly believes it will go for more as a plain apartment...

Demon Death-Baby...Or...Cotton Hill?

LOL You're right. My apologies. Just because I got the publisher wrong doesn't make my point invalid, however.

$5 says this will never happen again if/when the new consoles either don't allow used games, or, go completely digital distro. So enjoy you're little moment in the media spotlight EA, since you're one of the main drivers against used game sales.

It looks worse than it is. I've got the marquee cards in the display now too, which cuts down on the light.

Thanks, but I'd rather play my candy cab. It's japanese too. :P

What's the deal? Are vehicle in Russia required to have video recorders on at all times?

We'll never hear the end of this from Mr. Clarkson.

Fuck Gamestop.

Round smooth curves and BAM, square and pointy greenhouse. CP.

Well...Wipeout 2048 will be coming to a PS Vita near you in February...

I guess ever since Porches were painted Coke can red. ;) They invented Santa Clause. No reason they can't take credit for Porche's flat four too.

LOL @ Carbonated engines! Those damned fizzy motors always make my nose burn!

Christ...Really...That's your problem? Did you see the amount of safety regulation they enforced on their roads? You really think they give a shit about a liter of gas being released into the air?

Didn't you get the paper proof of registration with YOUR car's information on it, the plate number, and expiration? This is a BS story.

You're a lying piece of shit that didn't know what he was getting into. You WERE a bully. A customer was frustrated by your initial SHITTY responses, but YOU resorted to name calling.

I noticed that too. For fuck's sake, they were listed in Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people!

I can't find anything called a Panasonic Typhoon...