
Easy to confirm...When your ATM card is used to withdraw $$, the ATM machine automatically takes a picture. If it has her picture from withdrawing cash, then she's telling the truth. Something tells me it doesn't have her picture.

Bought one at launch. Have Ridge Racer and Lego Star Wars. Haven't touched it in weeks.

Those aren't IROC wheels, and I'm pretty sure the IROCs didn't come with the side molding.

It amazing...It's almost like you can't stop nature...

I passed a line of cars at 128 mph in my Camaro today, just to honor Rowdy. LOL

Hmmm...Bustamove sound effects and music.

Sierra did this for Leisure Suit Larry games a LONG time ago...

WTF happened? Jalopnik USED to be the only one of the Gawker sites untouched by the severe LIBERAL BULLSHIT! Come on guys! Knock it off! OMG, 5 years ago a campaign manager got a DWI? Oh noes! STFU!

Wasn't it european publications that claimed the 3DS was causing wide spread headaches and nausia and essentially called it and epidemic?

Mounting...uh...issues...aside, I dig the look. That's a great kit for the look of the MR2 IMO.

Not unsuspecting. Unwilling, and rightly so.

It's Top Gear people. The hosts, nor their fanbase, want to see eco-friendly challenges. That's not what the show IS. When their FORCED to, hilarity insues. That's the POINT.

Really? So f'n what. This is f'n news now. Way to show your neo-liberal socialist flag again Gawker.

Quicker an easier and less noisy than a stump grinder.

The second level was totally a Sonic level.

I drive 150+ miles per day round trip. If the job situation was better, I wouldn't have to do that. This would absolutely kill my ability to make this commute. It's complete bullshit. I don't give a fuck if it is a draft. Whoever drafted it should be fuckin fired...Like now.

Pssstt.....Krispy Kremes are FRIED

Not to be particular, but an LS1 isn't a 350.

The SNES is the best Nintendo console to date. It's the best game console ever. There is no competition, and there never will be.

If you've rooted your phone to do this, chances are you already know how to install it outside of the market. If you don't, you're stupid.