
@blyan-reloaded: FoxNews is mostly owned by a Muslim Saudi Prince. Their news stories often reflect those tendencies with the spin of the bosses culture.

@Junginator: You're both fooling yourselves (and really underestimate my intelligence) if you think Foxnews is conservative.

OMG...Seriously...Gawker and your extreme left liberal agenda is getting OLD!

SV650. Great choice, but not for a 600 mile one day drive.

The Taurus looks far better than the Charger. So good I want to paint the one I bought in that color scheme. LOL

Cavalier. Hands down.

I hope they pay to have that truck buffed out after all of the hairline scratches and "spiderwebs" it's going to leave in the paint. What happen to seran wrap or toilet paper? Both relatively harmless. I'd be f'n pissed.

Is it classified as a line when its only one deep?

It makes a strange amount of sense...Maybe Jeep bodies will become the new model t bodies, since they're cheap and plentiful.

Absolutely not. After my Droid, I will never go back.

I guess depth perception is no longer a requirement on the physical for a pilots license?

@LS1RX7owen: Hazards are a part of rallying.

@StormtrooprDave: Yeah...I wanted to fast forward to the dirty parts too.

That's pretty cool, but at LEAST ad a Jeep roll bar or something around the middle and around the windshield. CP

LOL! As soon as you start playing the game your shadow obstructs it. CLASSIC!!!

Woah...Time warp...They did this like a year ago.

Ironically, retail games are now $10 more than they were then...So it begs the question... Existentially, did he REALLY put any money down? hmmmm.