
I SWEAR TO GAWD they took those tail lights straight off an Eclipse/Laser

@Algerad: I've been using it for two weeks. It works awesome for me. No noticeable lag, no skipping, no artifacts. Splinter Cell Conviction looks better and plays better than it does on my 360. Amazing service.

If it doesn't autoupdate all applications without me selecting each and every one to update...I don't give a shit.

God I want an Ariel Atom...

Uhh...That's not even in the states...(license plate is obviously foreign, green pumps are diesel...etc)

If you remove anonymity...nuff said.

He looks like a dirty Harkonen.

I guy at a place my wife used to work verbally assaulted her one night. This guy was a complete douche. He'd just bought a 5 series BMW, dark blue, black leather, whole 9...

That is absolutely gawd aweful.

@Methusalah: They had 30% off over the weekend, but other than that, I don't see what is wrong with charging retail price for the game...None of you bitch about paying retail prices for MMO's...Same thing, only the service costs less.

@VincentGrey: Don't you understand that your "opinion" is worthless because you're going on heresy? Try the service.

@VincentGrey;@kearneybobs: Bottom line, don't knock it until you try it. Yes, you have to have a good internet connection. The service will not even connect unless you're rockin 5MBPS down. The service is smooth and fast. I don't notice any muddy textures. Sure, it's in 720p, which may not be good enough for the

I want to say that I LOVE OnLive. There are things I don't like (like why can't I "rent" splinter celll conviction) but I am impressed and amazed by this service. I truely hope this is the future of gaming.

I used the light of my Game Gear to look at a secretly stashed nudie mag after I was supposed to be in bed. Do I win anything?

I'm pretty sure I read this in one of my wifes trash romance novels...

LOL OMG. It looks like they used PT Dream Cruiser Inca Gold with Tangerine Pearl Coat stripes. Bleck!

I think some of you are missing the point. For a paltry fee, you can play the latest games with the latest graphics. You don't have to invests THOUSANDS in a gaming PC every year.

@Ruthless if you let me: Yet stuff on Gizmodo that is from io9 doesn't get reposted on io9 (like the *real* Avatar review)

Why in the hell has this shit been posted again? WTF?