
@Elratauru: It's Maniac Mansion; Day of the Tentacle. Sequel to Maniac Mansion. The Tentacle was the creature in the basement from the first one.

@Japcola: LOL When they started releasing information on just how poorly this bomb was put together, I thought for SURE this was some white redneck. I HONESTLY didn't expect this to actually turn out to be someone of Middle-Eastern Descent.

@irishman72: LOL He could have at least picked up a used ford exploder for the irony factor.

How about "Figure out which fertilizers are actually explosive so you don't look like a big douche."

@Bumblebee: Well I do loathe "Jersey Shore"... :P

@Bumblebee;@tonyola;@krodrac: LOL People who make the trek over a short toll bridge do not count. Nobody FLIES into Jersey from anywhere else in the Country to Vacation. If someone is buying a ticket to visit a coast line or gambling town, they're going to FL, NV, or CA. I know people who would go to OR, and WA

Why would ANYONE in Jersey fight this? What other Jersey Destinations are popular with tourists? I have HONESTLY never heard anyone say they were going to Vacation in New Jersey.

@wohho: Oh, and I've been really looking forward to hearing useful information on the new Regal. I've been drooling since I heard they were working on a new one...And, of course, hoping they'll come out with some sort of performance version.

@wohho: Why so hostile? I just thought it was funny. For fuck's sake chill the hell out. Christ.

847 Words, not including the disclosure...Only 394 about or referencing GM or the Buick...So for the thousands of dollars GM spent, they got 46% of an article that should have been 80% at least about them and their new product...

Mechwarrior 2 was the greatest Mechwarrior OF ALL TIME!

He is SO fired.

@Prozach1: If they don't care, then they have no real appreciation for that which is automotive, hense the reason I said to pass muster, you must know of and appreciate the Syclone and Typhoon.

Syclone and Typhoon. For some reason very few people I meet, even those that claim to love all things cars, have any idea what these are.


@RäcinG73™: Nor do I, but this isn't the first time Puerto Rico has had a nonstandard viewing. Not even the first time it made any news outlet. Like I said, personally I don't want to see a dead guy first thing when I log into the site, but more than that, I feel it's distasteful to lable it "LOL" anything. Death

@Drew and nøt U: How am I a troll? I'm not the one digging for a fight. I'm pointing out that displaying a dead guy on your main page and labeling it "LOL" anything is distasteful.