
The biker deserves a fucking medal and his reaction should be taught as an example of the ideal way to handle shit like this.

Wow, its amazing for me to see these reactions on how angry people get from lane splitting in other states.. People will even give space when I split or or filter (not illegal in Cali), lane splitting is like breathing for a biker here.

It seems evident from this video that the motorcycle passed the driver while lane splitting, which in no way shape or form calls for physical assault.

People like you always ask that, but chances are there wasn’t anything legitimate to even upset the guy - it was all in his head.

How about a volume knob instead of so-called buttons for volume and tuning?

In my opinion, the one thing all cars really need now are automatic headlights. It is unbelievable that with all of the useless safety regulations currently imposed, car-makers are still allowed to build and sell cars without this simple feature. It is so irritating being in a rain-storm, or driving in near-dark

I agree with all your points and will help you yell at kids to get off your lawn.

Also, parts should be easy to get to, like the filters and such. You shouldn’t have to remove a fender to get a battery (*ahem* Solstice).


This is seriously a beacon of authentic defense journal reporting and the predominate reason I even visit Gawker anymore. Thank you.

This is simultaneously a giant douchebag move. If I’m passing traffic on my right, I’m not going to slow down and get over just because I’m not passing other people fast enough for your impatient ass.

It because the vast majority of the population zones out while driving, particularly on the interstate. When someone comes alongside in the right lane to pass, they realize that they have been daydreaming/going slow and then speed up again. Happens to me all the time.

It could be 900. Move over at let the faster guy pass. Really, what is there to get mad about. You had to click “Cancel” on the steering wheel or had to tap the brakes or let off the gas for five seconds? You probably came up behind someone doing 85 and they thought “This fucker wants to pass me and I’m already doing

Yes, it’s exactly what we need!


You’re on the wrong site. Jezebel is that way ====>.

Go fuck yourself.

Surely you cannot be serious. This is a problem that people do shit like this. It’s fucking unsafe to pass people on the right, jackwagon.

not true. They were widely sold in back alley shops and traded and sold on the Internet in the day. It wasn't near as hard as you're thinking to get pirate copies.