
I am willing to believe the cops theory, They often have a good sixth sense of this. When I was working for a car lot with multiple locations, they could call with 95% accuracy if it would be found in the sketchy part of the next city over or if was going to just be trashed and lit afire in a gravel pit somewhere.

... I clearly state that I have no idea if this is also true in the US.

Uncompromising, even.

Two videos in a month or so about a dangerous move by an impatient idiot.

Am I the only person who likes the cheating?

Canadian Accountant here:

Would used leases have full warranty like new cars? That peace of mind is a huge selling point of leases.

My Dad and I and his friend and his son travelled across this going to a car show in a 58 Impala and 78 Corvette. The Vette driver had a panic attack and had to get rescued halfway up by the bridge patrol (who handled the whole issue in about 2.5 minutes, faster than traffic could really gridlock - the bridge staff

Not an asshole. They are just unreasonable.

She spawned a whole year + of "Better Nerf Irelia" meme's. Criminal to leave this out.

Yes. There is a flowchart and there are different rules for commercial use. They are full of the bullshit and not worth making money over.

Transport Canada as referenced above, does. Hence my post.

Just bought a 1997 Toyota Corolla with 20,000 miles on it. It wasn't JUST used by a little old lady to go to church. It also went to the grocery store AND the retirement home.

See, we would be at an impasse.

I feel you and agree 100%, however I get annoyed when guys won't let me test drive a "performance car" and expect me to just trust their claim that it runs and handles beautifully.

The cyclist and motor biker in me wants this on all car.

I forgive the Harry Potter final two-parter because of how much bigger those became over time. I've never read them, but the newer the book, the more physical space it took up on my cousin's bookshelf. I assume the font stayed the same.

Transport Canada has rules for hobby aircraft (planes, quadcopters, heli's) I mean drones, and the US does not.


Devon Hisster is the only one in a pounce stance. He looks gamey. I would first pick him.